The Sons of the Dragon Club is the Beta Foundation’s annual giving program exclusively for collegiate members. The Club provides young Betas the opportunity to learn about the Foundation and join brothers and friends in giving charitable gifts to fund Men of Principle leadership programs and resources.
Any collegian who gives $10 or more to the Beta Leadership Fund before May 31 is a member of the Club for the year. Gifts can be made online, at a Beta event or by mail.
2023 Club Recognition
2024 Club Incentives
Individual Incentive | Those who join the Club with a gift of $10 will receive Beta Theta Pi stickers, while those who give $25 or more will receive this year’s Club-exclusive, Comfort Colors pocket T-shirt.
Senior Incentive | Along with receiving the T-shirt for joining the Sons of the Dragon Club, seniors who agree to join the Auto-Kai Club as alumni will receive the Executive Beta Padfolio. The Auto-Kai Club involves giving automatically to the BLF as an alumnus ($10 per month) beginning on August 8, 2024.
Chapter Incentive | Chapters who reach 100% membership in the Club —or— 64+ members (Beta’s average chapter size) will receive a Beta-branded cornhole set, perfect for brotherhood events and tailgates. Membership includes all gifts of $10 or more.